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Mulan's Lunar New Year Celebration

We headed back to Disney California Adventure Park that afternoon because we had missed Mulan's Lunar New Year Celebration the day before, and we wanted to make sure to see it during our weekend. Katie loved seeing Mulan and Mushu again, and she also loved the beautiful costumes and music.

I was excited when I started to see the performers come down the street. 

Two of the first characters to get there were Mulan and Mushu! 

The performers had so many different costumes and all different talents. 

We were at one of the edges of the performance, and we got to see this dancer/drummer a lot. I really liked her!

I loved these beautiful umbrellas that looked like flowers! 

Once the drummers started drumming, we saw lots of other dancers. 

There were bright colors everywhere. 

Goofy also made an appearance, looking very handsome in his Chinese clothes! 

I loved watching this man with his Chinese yo-yo. I had never seen a Chinese yo-yo before! 

My mom tried to get some pictures of me with the performers in the background, but it was hard since we were all squeezed in so close.

I was so happy when Mushu walked in front of me! 

I liked watching the costumes twirl with the dancers. 

I had one last chance to see the performers as they exited. 

Bye, Goofy! 

This was at the beginning of the procession.

This was part of the performance.

After the parade, I wanted to take my mom on Jumpin' Jellyfish. As we waited in line, we saw these people walking down the street. We asked Aunt Jennifer and Grandma to go get a picture with them because I thought they were beautiful!

 Aunt Jennifer decided I should get a picture too, so she lifted me out of line, I got a picture, and she put me back in line! They were all very nice!

Luckily I got back in time for my jellyfish to start jumping! 

We also stopped to watch the GuGu Drum Group from Shanghai. I loved the whole celebration!

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