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Father's Day, 2013

This year, my dad wanted to go on a picnic for Father's Day. Jennifer, Katie, and I picked up the food, and then we met my parents at the park.  It was a little chilly but a pretty nice day overall.

After we ate, we took Katie to the play structure. All she wanted to do on it was to play with the wheel that was mounted to the structure. We asked her if she was steering a boat, and she said, "No. Bus." Then she went on to sing twenty or so verses of "The Wheels on the Bus."

I got to spend quality time with Grandpa while everyone else took care of the trash. 

We had fun together! 

"The wheels on the bus go round and round…" 

Aunt Jennifer is waiting for her turn to drive the bus! 

 I'm sitting between two of my favorite people.

I went right next to the lake with Aunt Jennifer! 

Happy Father's Day, Grandpa!

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