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Why war games are bad... I am very proud of my Granddaughter, Alicia, who wrote this essay.

Why war games are bad

Written by: Alicia Makigrade 5    2015

War games are bad because they are all about shooting and killing people. They tell kids and adults that it is ok to pretend to kill people when it is not ok to pretend or even kill people. They also teach kids how to use guns and sometimes bombs. When people play war games they think that it would be fun to actually get to be in the war and get to kill people. People playing the game think that they are the good guy when they are the one that is killing the people. The kids would think that it would be fun to actually get to be in the war and shoot and kill people on the game. Playing war games can make people think that it is all right to kill people. People think it is fun when they play war games.

War games are bad because they are all about shooting and killing people. Another reason that the war games are bad is because during the actual war people got sick, injured, and maybe even kidnapped and tortured. Some people in the war attacked other people because they were racist. That is why we should not play war games because it is pretty much supporting the people who were attacking the other innocent people. Playing war games might make kids start battling with sticks and the inside of a paper towel roll and they might pretend to kill their friend or their brother or sister and they won’t realise that it is wrong to pretend like that.

Playing war games can make people think that it is all right to kill people. I think that if kids play the war games too much they might join the army because they think that it would be fun to kill the innocent people in the world. Some of the war games that kids play are: call of duty, black ops, and lots more. These games should not have been made because they are not good for kids to play or act out by having stick fights or other kind of fights.

When people buy war games the company that made it is probably getting money for telling kids that killing is good and make them want to replay the war. I think that the companies make the war games so that kids and parents don’t look twice at the war and so that they might join the army. In war games there is probably a lot of blood, screams, and violence.

In war games you are practically replaying the war and people who know that the war is bad will get mad and tell their kids not to watch or play that kind of game and that it is bad because you would be supporting the war games and the people who made them.

When people play war games they often want to keep playing and tell their friends to start playing and more people would play the war games. Without war games kids would be playing fun games such as Mario, Pokémon or something else, kids would play games that teach them to be good and not support the war.

I think that teachers and parents should tell the kids that killing is wrong and that they shouldn’t play war games.

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