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Building the people's front.

I'm not buying into this line that the firing of James Comey as head of the FBI is part of some great big division in the ruling class--- those who want war with the Russians and good guys like Trump being maligned because he wants to peacefully work with the Russians.

things There is no doubt the Wall Street ruling class is in disarray and divided on many questions--- apparently they are having a great deal of trouble sorting through their own lies meant to disorient us.
But, Wall Street does remain united in carrying out its thoroughly reactionary imperialist agenda of wars abroad paid for by shoving austerity measures down our throats to pay for these dirty wars which are waged for the same reason these capitalists do anything and everything--- for maximum profits derived from the exploitation of labor and the rape of Mother Nature, the only two things, together, capable of creating wealth.

Wall Street has no intent of getting along with anyone--- everyone, including its junior partners who are also imperialist powers, are its enemy to the extent they stand in the way of Wall Street hogging all the profits.

The fact is, there are no peace loving sections of the Wall Street ruling class... greed drives them all towards war. Capitalism has grown into a barbaric and savage monster known as imperialism--- and this is why we need socialism.

There are no "nice guys" in Wall Street's ruling class or among its many well paid servants which includes both Republicans and Democrats along with all of these over-paid pundits and the many well-heeled muddle-headed upper middle class intellectuals, the millionaire labor leaders and the foundation-funded "think tanks." There goal and objective is to make sure their rotten system survives epitomized and embodied by crooked and corrupt scumbags like Roger Stone.

Wall Street along with its junior partners is our enemy; there are no others. Without building a massive united people's front that is both anti-imperialist and anti-monopoly for peace, social and economic justice capable of mobilizing people in the streets and at the ballot box intent on taking political and economic power away from Wall Street we are doomed.

A defense of democracy demands Trump and his entourage, a gaggle of goose-stepping fascist bastards, be driven from office in one way or another in order to strengthen and steel the people's front. The people's front will be built and strengthened as we move forward in the struggle to defend, expand and strengthen democracy, for real reforms and socialism.

There is no other way out of this mess we are in.

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